Viacrucis Migrante - Migrant Crossing

Viacrucis Migrante - Migrant Crossing

Three Central American migrants embark on a journey to the north. Seeking safety and a better life, they find the will, faith, and support to continue their journey in a shelter in southern Mexico. On their way, they face the risks of kidnap, rape, or assault in this life-threatening journey.

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Viacrucis Migrante - Migrant Crossing
  • Viacrucis Migrante - Migrant Crossing - Kreuzweg der Migrant_innen

    Impressum / Official Homepage:
    Three Central American migrants embark on a journey to the north. Seeking safety and a better life, they find the will, faith, and support to continue their journey in a shelter in southern Mexic...